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Applied Engineering & Manufacturing

An Applied Engineering and Manufacturing students work with machinery in the program lab.

Are you interested in a career as an engineer? This program can help you get started on a pathway to a career as a successful engineer. The Applied Engineering & Manufacturing program is for any high school student interested in learning the basics of the five areas of engineering technology.

An Applied Engineering and Manufacturing student works on a piece in the program lab at the Springfield-Clark CTC.

Students learn basic skills in a variety of hands-on activities. In fact, 75 percent of the coursework involves hands-on assignments that compliment the textbook applications. Students may also participate in a post-secondary partnership with Clark State Community College. This agreement helps students earn college credits that also apply toward graduation from high school. In the second year of the program, most students take part in  Early Job Placement with local companies.


Matt Grigsby

Career Technical Education, Applied Engineering & Manufacturing