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Jaguar Academy

A Cosmetology students practices perms in the program salon at the Springfield-Clark CTC.

Looking for a fresh start? Ready to explore many different careers? The Jaguar Academy is for you! This is a sophomore program designed for students who are interested in investigating career-technical fields offered at CTC.  In this year-long, full-day program on the SCCTC campus, sophomores are given the opportunity to explore careers by spending time in career technical labs, to earn and recover academic credits, and to receive career and life skills mentoring. The goal of the program is to set students on the pathway to future academic and career success.

Jaguar Academy student experiences the Culinary Arts program.

After earning their OSHA-10 certificates, students will work in the career exploration lab to gain experience with the equipment used in the career-technical labs. Students will also complete rotations in career technical labs of interest.

Jaguar Academy Eligibility Requirements

The Jaguar Academy program is a Career-Based Intervention program as defined by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) and has specific eligibility requirements as defined by ODE. Students must:
  • Be a freshman high school student at the time of application.
  • Be identified as economically disadvantaged or academically disadvantaged or with a disability condition and be served by an IEP.
    • Academic Disadvantage. Students with an academic disadvantage are those who display any of the following:
      • Reading and/or writing skill deficiencies below grade level;
      • Math skill deficiencies below grade level;
      • Performance two years below grade level on a standardized test;
      • Failure to promote or fail a grade level.
    • Economic Disadvantage. Students who meet any of the following conditions are considered economically disadvantaged:
      • Family income is at or below the national poverty level;
      • Parents or guardians are unemployed;
      • Parents or guardians receive public assistance;
      • Students who are eligible to receive Free or Reduced-Price Lunch;
      • Students who are institutionalized or under state guardianship.
    • Disability Condition. Students who have been identified with a disability condition and are served by an IEP. This eligibility reason cannot be used by non-public school students.

For questions on eligibility for the Jaguar Academy please contact CTC’s admissions expert, Michael Rice at or 937-325-7368 x113.


Jim Allread

Career Technical Education, Jaguar Academy