CTC Receives $165k CODE Grant to Boost Driver Education in Clark County
Students from Springfield-Clark Career Technology Center (CTC) and staff from the Ohio Department of Public Safety (ODPS) and Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO) celebrate $4.5 million in Grants to Increase Driver Training Options for Teens.
From left to right:
- Judy Converse, Public Information Officer, OTSO
- Emily Davidson, Director, OTSO
- Gustavo Medina Montoya, a senior from Tecumseh High School in the Engineering & Architectural Design program at CTC
- McKenzie Cabrera, a senior from Springfield High School in the Veterinary Science program at CTC
- Jazmin Davila-Lopez, a senior from Springfield High School in the Education Exploration program at CTC
- Caitlyn Leonard, a senior from Shawnee High School in the Computer Graphic Arts program at CTC
- Kimberly Schwind, Assistant Director, OTSO
- Andy Wilson, Director, ODPS
Back row, from left to right:
- Nisha Stevens, Driving Instructor, TWP Driving Academy
- Eric Miller, Driving Instructor, Springfield-Clark CTC
- Gustavo Medina Montoya, a senior from Tecumseh High School in the Engineering & Architectural Design program at CTC
- Caitlyn Leonard, a senior from Shawnee High School in the Computer Graphic Arts program at CTC
- Michelle Patrick, Superintendent of Springfield-Clark CTC
Front row, left to right:
- McKenzie Cabrera, a senior from Springfield High School in the Veterinary Science program at CTC
- Jazmin Davila-Lopez, a senior from Springfield High School in the Education Exploration program at CTC
- Andy Wilson, Director of Ohio Department of Public Safety
- Emily Davidson, Director of Ohio Traffic Safety Office
Springfield-Clark Career Technology Center (CTC) started a driver's education program in the Fall of 2023. Since it's inception the 34 students have participated in the classroom or behind-the-wheel instruction.
The CTC driver's education students pictured from left to right:
- Gustavo Medina Montoya, a senior from Tecumseh High School in the Engineering & Architectural Design program
- McKenzie Cabrera, a senior from Springfield High School in the Veterinary Science program
- Caitlyn Leonard, a senior from Shawnee High School in the Computer Graphic Arts program
- Jazmin Davila-Lopez, a senior from Springfield High School in the Education Exploration program
CTC partnered with TWP Driving Academy in Columbus, Ohio to provide training ffor CTC's driving instructor, Eric Miller, and access to a vehicle.
From left to right:
- Nisha Stevens, Driving Instructor, TWP Driving Academy
- Gustavo Medina Montoya, a senior from Tecumseh High School in the Engineering & Architectural Design program at CTC
- McKenzie Cabrera, a senior from Springfield High School in the Veterinary Science program at CTC
- Eric Miller, Driving Instructor, Springfield-Clark CTC
- Caitlyn Leonard, a senior from Shawnee High School in the Computer Graphic Arts program at CTC
- Jazmin Davila-Lopez, a senior from Springfield High School in the Education Exploration program at CTC
- Aisha Stevens, Founder and Driving Instructor, TWP Driving Academy
Springfield-Clark Career Technology Center (CTC) staff and driver's education students at the CODE Grant press conference.
From left to right:
- Michelle Patrick, Superintendent of Springfield-Clark CTC
- Gustavo Medina Montoya, a senior from Tecumseh High School in the Engineering & Architectural Design program at CTC
- McKenzie Cabrera, a senior from Springfield High School in the Veterinary Science program
- Eric Miller, driving instructor at CTC
- Caitlyn Leonard, a senior from Shawnee High School in the Computer Graphic Arts program at CTC
- Jazmin Davila-Lopez, a senior from Springfield High School in the Education Exploration program at CTC
- Chris James, Executive Director at CTC
- Jennifer Shaffer, Director of CTE & Student Development at CTC
CTC students and superintendent with the Greater Springfield Partnership.
From left to right:
- Kaitlyn Tyler Talent + Education Coordinator
- Jen Sirucek, Jobs & Job Readiness Chair for the Greater Springfield Partnership
- Amy Donahoe, Director of Workforce Development at Greater Springfield Partnership
- Gustavo Medina Montoya, a senior from Tecumseh High School in the Engineering & Architectural Design program at CTC
- McKenzie Cabrera, a senior from Springfield High School in the Veterinary Science program at CTC
- Jazmin Davila-Lopez, a senior from Springfield High School in the Education Exploration program at CTC
- Caitlyn Leonard, a senior from Shawnee High School in the Computer Graphic Arts program at CTC
- Michelle Patrick, Superintendent of Springfield-Clark CTC
Ohio Department of Public Safety Director Andy Wilson discusses driver's education requirements and testing with CTC students Gustavo Medina Montoya, a senior from Tecumseh High School in the Engineering & Architectural Design program, McKenzie Cabrera, a senior from Springfield High School in the Veterinary Science program, and Caitlyn Leonard, a senior from Shawnee High School in the Computer Graphic Arts program.
Springfield-Clark Career Technology Center (CTC) staff and driver's education students strike a fun pose with driving instructors from TWP Driving Academy.
From left to right:
- Nisha Stevens, Driving Instructor, TWP Driving Academy
- Gustavo Medina Montoya, a senior from Tecumseh High School in the Engineering & Architectural Design program at CTC
- McKenzie Cabrera, a senior from Springfield High School in the Veterinary Science program at CTC
- Eric Miller, Driving Instructor, Springfield-Clark CTC
- Caitlyn Leonard, a senior from Shawnee High School in the Computer Graphic Arts program at CTC
- Jazmin Davila-Lopez, a senior from Springfield High School in the Education Exploration program at CTC
- Aisha Stevens, Founder and Driving Instructor, TWP Driving Academy