CTC Earns Ohio Auditor of State Award
- Timely Reporting: Financial reports must be filed by the statutory deadline, without extensions, via the Hinkle System and in accordance with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).
- Clean Audit: No findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, or questioned costs.
- Compliance: No ethics referrals, questioned costs below the Uniform Guidance threshold, issues related to bank reconciliations, findings for recovery less than $500, and no public meetings or public records issues “
This award reflects CTC’s commitment to managing public funds with transparency and integrity. Julie Wallace and her team’s hard work ensures that we utilize our funding effectively while supporting students and educational programs,” shared Jamie Callan, President of CTC’s Board of Education.
In addition, CTC received special recognition from the Ohio Senate for earning the Ohio Auditor of State Award. “Receiving the Ohio Auditor of State Award is a significant achievement for CTC. I am proud of the hard work our small Treasurer’s Office team has put in to ensure our audit met the high expectations of the state auditor’s office,” shared CTC Treasurer Julie Wallace. “And receiving special recognition from the Ohio Senate is a wonderful honor,” she added.
By maintaining high standards of accountability and transparency, CTC can continue to invest in our students and ensure they are Career Ready, College Ready, and Life Ready.