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In this step you'll need:

  • Your email address.  ⚠️Do NOT use your school email address. ⚠️Your school email systems may block important emails from CTC.
  • Your parent's email address.
  • Approximately 10 minutes. You are able to save the application and return to it later, if needed.

Apply Now! 

Application Review Process

Application periods

General Admission - December 5, 2024 through January 19, 2025
Rolling Admission - January 20, 2025 until capacity

Program placement begins after General Admission period closes. Many programs are filled after the General Admission period applications are reviewed, so don't wait to apply!

General Admission application review and placement notifications

Applications submitted during the Early Admission period will be reviewed in the following order of priority:

  • Current sophomores applying for a 2-year career-tech program will have their application reviewed by the Admissions Team in late January and will be notified of their application status in early February.
  • Current freshman applying to attend the Jaguar Academy program will have their application reviewed by the Admissions Team in late January and will be notified of their application status in early February.
  • Current juniors applying to attend a career-tech program will have their application reviewed by the Admissions Team after April 1, regardless of date of application.

Rolling Admission application review and placement notifications

  • All students who apply during this application period will have their application reviewed by the Admissions Team and notified as soon as possible. 

Admission & Program Placement Process

Due to high-demand and limited capacity, CTC is unable to accept all eligible applicants. Program placement is managed by CTC’s Admissions Team and follows these guidelines:
  • All applications are reviewed for residency and credit eligibility (see Eligibility Requirements section for details).
  • If the number of eligible applicants exceeds the number of available program seats, CTC will use a lottery process to determine which applicants are placed in the program.

Eligibility Requirements

Credit requirements

Half of the school day is spent in the program, so there is limited time available to catch up on credits.
  • Freshman applying for Jaguar Academy need a minimum of 3 core classes/credits* earned by June 1, 2025.
  • Sophomores must have a minimum of 7 core credits/classes* earned by June 1, 2025.
  • Juniors must have a minimum of 12 core credits/classes* earned by June 1, 2025.
  • *Core classes would include English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Personal Finance, Health, and PE.

Residency requirements

Students who reside in one of CTC’s associate school districts are eligible to attend and encouraged to apply during the General Admission Period.

Students who reside outside of CTC’s associate school districts are eligible to apply at any time during the application period, but are not eligible for program placement until after April 1 and only if there is availability.

CTC's associate school districts are: Clark-Shawnee Local School District, Greenon Local School District, Northeastern Local School District, Northwestern Local School District, Tecumseh Local School District, Springfield City School, and Southeastern Local School District. f you’re unsure what school district you reside in, use the Ohio Tax Finder lookup.

Program specific requirements

There are additional eligibility requirements for the following programs, please visit the program pages for details:

Admission FAQ

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Springfield-Clark CTC (SCCTC) dedicates itself to providing equal educational opportunities for all. The SCCTC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation or gender identity), disability, age (except as authorized by law), religion, military status, ancestry, or genetic information in its admissions process or provision of educational programs or activities. Lack of English language proficiency will not be a barrier to admission and participation in career-technical education programs or courses.