For the 2024-25 school year the only 2-Hour Early Release that is scheduled is for Friday, December 20, 2024.
Here is what that means for students:
All Day Student - Released at 12:16 PM
AM Only Student - Released at 9:10 AM
PM Only Students who are required to attend their homeschool or CCP classes do not have to report on campus.
Students who arrive 2nd period or later, should arrive a few minutes before the period start time listed in the chart below.
Students who do not have an assigned 7th period will be released at 9:52 AM.
Some districts have indicated that they cannot accommodate CTC’s early release schedule. Students who ride a bus that cannot arrive until 2:16 PM may remain in our cafeteria until their bus arrives. Please check with your homeschool transportation office regarding your student's busing schedule for this day.
If you have any questions about the above information, please contact the CTC Main Office at 937-325-7368 x245.
For the 2024-25 school year, the Survey Day will be in September. This modified schedule provides time for students to participate in a county-wide survey