Career Kits
Future Ready Career Awareness Kits
Springfield-Clark CTC provides high-quality, hands-on career technical education programs that help students become Career Ready, College Ready, and Life Ready. SCCTC, in collaboration with Clark State College, Ohio College Tech Prep, the University of Dayton, and the Ohio Academy of Science offers Future Ready Career Kits for students in Grades 1-8. Kits are hands-on activities that students can complete at home (or in the classroom) to give experience in STEM and other problem-solving skills.
Future Ready Career Kits are designed for students in Grades 1-8 and contain hands-on activities that students can complete at home (or in the classroom) to give them experience in STEM, PBL, and other problem-solving skills
Free. Covered by Career Awareness dollars.
Auto Technology: Ready, Set, Race!
Do you wonder what moves a vehicle forward? Are you curious about the mechanics and electronics that make a car work ? Then a career in automotive technology might be for you!
Automotive Career Field Programs at CTC:
Agriculture: Grow N' Go Seeds
The Agriculture Career Field has lots of exciting careers for anyone interested in everything from growing plants and soil to raising and taking care of animals like cattle, pigs, and chickens.
Agriculture Career Programs at CTC:
Education: Education Exploration
Careers in education can be the most rewarding ways to make a difference in the lives of others. Earning a degree in education is an important first step in becoming a teacher. But even if you don’t plan to teach in a classroom, an education degree can be a step to other careers in education, including education administration, school counseling, or even social work.
Education Career Programs at CTC:
Engineering: Have You Lost Your Marbles?
Anything that is built must first be designed by an engineer. An engineer is a person who and builds products, machines, systems, or structures. Engineers want to know how and why things work. They have scientific training that they use to make practical things.
Engineering Career Programs at CTC:
Culinary Science: The Chef's Slime
Who knew that slime has so many uses in different jobs and careers? This Career Kit shows you how to make your own slime.
Once you finish this kit, you will know some skills in various career fields. First, making slime is a lot like following a recipe, which is what students do in Culinary Arts! Also, the chemistry of slime is used in many career fields and sciences, like Cosmetology, Manufacturing, Engineering, and Agriculture.
Culinary Career Field Programs at CTC:
Criminal Justice: Can You Crack the Code?
Working in the criminal justice system can mean job opportunities in law enforcement, the legal system, and corrections. Criminal justice professionals work in police departments, federal law enforcement agencies, prisons, and courthouses across the country. They also patrol the streets and protect public safety.
Related Career Programs at CTC:
Cosmetology: My First Salon
Anything that is built must first be designed by an engineer. An engineer is a person who and builds products, machines, systems, or structures. Engineers want to know how and why things work. They have scientific training that they use to make practical things.
Related Career Programs at CTC:
Related Career Programs at CTC:
Construction Traders: The Builders Blueprint
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Health Occupations: Don't skip a beat!
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Dental Assisting: Show off that smile!
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Information Technology: Talk to Your Duck
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Welding: Mini Metal Makers
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Veterinary science: LIONS & TIGERS & BEARS...OH MY!
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