Business Partners
CTC gets students ready - ready for careers, college, and life. Engaging with local businesses is critical to prepare students for their path after graduation. All of CTC's programs keep the needs and trends of industry in mind when planning curriculum, labs, projects, trips, Future Ready Fridays, and other learning opportunities.
Each program at CTC has a Business Advisory Council (BAC). Each program's BAC is comprised of industry-related professionals, experts, managers, and business owners who volunteer to provide insight, guidance, feedback, recommendations, and opportunities for the program.
Ways Business Partners Engage with CTC:
- Provide job placement opportunities to students
- Serve on a program's Business Advisory Council
- Sponsor program lab activities
- Provide mentorship to students
- Speak to classes and labs
- Host student visits and tours
- Donate equipment or materials
- Visit campus as a guest speakers
- Assist with mock interviewing and resume review
- Provide insight and guidance on course content and equipment
Interested in becoming a Business Partner?
Current Business Partners
Bill Marine Auto Center
Lulu's Lullaby
Eagle Electric
Williams Mechanical
Garber Electric
Dhingra Orthodontics
VCA Northwood Animal Hospital
Best Buy
Cors Head Start
James A. Tetz DMD, Inc.
Hometown DDS
Leslie C. Pinson, DDS
Mid City Electric
R & M Materials Handling
Frame Haven
Case Crafters
Hartzell Propeller Inc.
Nov Inc.
W.A. Stevens & Associates
Central Fire Protection
Clear Connections LLC
Trinity Community at Fairborn
Hooten Automotive
Villa of Springfield Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center
Northwood Assisted Living and Rehab
Fischer Engineering Company, LLC
Springfield Smiles
Town and Country Dental
Horner Industrial Group
Homesite Home Health Care
Tool Tech
Chapel Electric
Dillon Manufacturing
Aventura at Oakwood Village
Reliable Electric
Tri-Tech Engineering
Hayes Fabricating and Welding Inc.
Jamie's Tire and Service
Your Home Comfort Guy
Wet Your Whiskers
Woodrow Corportation
Springfield Township
High Hopes Learning Center
Vancrest Health Centers
Van Scoyk
Huffman Tree Service
Chemitec Nissen
Electrical Trades Center
Clark County Park District
Noll Veterinary Hospital
Yellow Springs Community Children's Center
Kenworth of Dayton
Hauck Brothers Inc. Heating and Cooling
Pratt Industries
Springfield Gentle Dental
Trilogy: Forest Glen and Wooded Glen
Nucor Buildings Group
Ace Screen Supply Company
Aida America
Air Trim
Amcan Stair and Rail
American Panv
Area Energy and Electric Inc.
Atkins and Waldren Dental
Bells Nursery
Carpenters’ Apprenticeship Program
Champion GSE
City of Springfield
Clark County Dog Shelter
CloverLeaf Mechanical
Coleman's Lawn Equipment
Craig E. Dillon AIA Architects
Delong Air Inc.
Dr. Lord DDS
ESI Electrical Contractors
Glen Helen-Raptor Center
Gordons Food Service
Grismer Tire
Heroux Devtek
Intertape Polymer Group (IPG)
Jeff Wyler
JMD Architectural Products
Johnson Welded Products
K.K. Tool
Key Chrysler
Mader Electric
McGregor MetalWorking Companies
Mercy Health
MH Eby
Miami Valley Child Development Centers
Mike's Automotive
National Pit Stop
Northside Family Physicians
Northside Veterinary
Power Equipment Solutions
Scout // Light Line Distributors, Inc.
Shaffer Manufacturing
Sheehan Brothers Vending
Smart Start Academy
Springfield Country Club
ST Genetics Ohio Hefer Center
Sweet Manufacturing Company
The MacRay Company
Triec Electric
Veterinary Services of Springfield
Voss Toyota
Wags n Wiggles
Westwater Supply
Yost Superior
Young's Jersey Dairy
Zima Automotive