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CTC gets you READY - Career Ready, College Ready, Life Ready!

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Career Ready. College Ready. Life Ready.

Welcome to Springfield-Clark CTC, where our mission is clear: to get YOU ready for whatever path you choose after graduation. Whether you're aiming to be CAREER ready, COLLEGE ready, or LIFE ready, we're here to guide you towards your future success.

New Students

Welcome to the Springfield-Clark CTC! Click here to find out everything you need to know for the new school year.


The Springfield-Clark Career Technology Center offers 23 programs in high-demand fields, including nursing, construction trades, and technology. Click to learn more about our programs.


At the Springfield-Clark CTC, we prepare students to be Career Ready. College Ready. Life Ready. Click to learn more about how you can become SCCTC Ready.

Springfield-Clark CTC News & Events

CTC Alumni Success Stories

Kara Horn

Kara completed the Applied Engineering & Manufacturing Program and today works as the Business Operations Coordinator for Imperial Express, Inc.

Cristian Balcazar

Crisitian Balcazar completed the Electrical Trades program and has worked in the construction, education, and restaurant industries.

Jamie McKinnon

Jamie McKinnon was intrigued by dentistry as a child so she was excited to attend the Dental Assisting Program in high school. Today she is passionately pursing a career in dentistry and is looking forward to giving back through teaching.

By the Numbers


Class of 2023 graduates placed in employment, military service, or post-secondary education six months after graduation.


Credentials earned by SCCTC students during the 2023-2024 school year.


Programs offered at the Springfield-Clark CTC in high-demand fields.